๐Ÿ…ฝ ๐Ÿ…ด ๐Ÿ†† ITEMS

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แด›แดœแด‡sแด…แด€ส 11aแด -5แด˜แด
แดกแด‡แด…ษดแด‡sแด…แด€ส 11aแด - 6แด˜แด
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We are 2 life long best friends who wanted to open a boutique of our very own for women of all ages -Where fashion meets personality! At Urban Sunflower Boutique we carry a variety of styles to help you express who you really are & we believe your outfit should be more than just a way to cover up! We specialize in quality, trendy clothing that's as unique and playful as you are!
You're main character ... dress like it!
Cheers! Ally X Nicole

All Jewelry

All Jewelry

แ–ดแ–‡Oแ—ฐ Sแ‘Œแ—ทTแ’ชE STแ—ฉTEแ—ฐEแ‘ŽTS TO แ—ทOแ’ชแ—ช แ‘ญแ’ชแ—ฉYแ–ดแ‘Œแ’ช แ‘ญIEแ‘•ES-แ’ชET Tแ•ผE แ—ฉแ‘•แ‘•ESSOแ–‡Iแ˜”Iแ‘ŽG แ—ทEGIแ‘Ž! 

Our Viral Bralettes

Our Viral Bralettes

Oแ‘Œแ–‡ แฏIแ–‡แ—ฉแ’ช แ—ทแ–‡แ—ฉแ’ชETTES แ—ฉแ–‡E แ•ผEแ–‡E TO Sแ’ชแ—ฉY Tแ•ผE STYแ’ชE Gแ—ฉแ—ฐE. GET แ–‡Eแ—ฉแ—ชY... 

Anti Crop Tops

Anti Crop Tops

แ–ดแ‘Œแ’ชแ’ช-แ’ชEแ‘ŽGTแ•ผ STYแ’ชE! แ‘ญแ’ชแ—ฉYแ–ดแ‘Œแ’ช แฏIแ—ทE แ–ดITS แ—ฏITแ•ผ แ–ดแ‘Œแ’ชแ’ช แ‘•OแฏEแ–‡แ—ฉGE! 

All Home Decor & Gifts

All Home Decor & Gifts

Tแ–‡แ—ฉแ‘ŽSแ–ดOแ–‡แ—ฐIแ‘ŽG Sแ‘ญแ—ฉแ‘•ES, GIแ–ดTIแ‘ŽG Sแ—ฐIแ’ชES: Oแ‘Œแ–‡ แ•ผOแ—ฐE แ—ชEแ‘•Oแ–‡ แ—ฉแ‘Žแ—ช GIแ–ดTS แ‘•Oแ’ชแ’ชEแ‘•TIOแ‘Ž แ—ทแ–‡Iแ‘ŽGS แ’OY... 

All Handbags

All Handbags

แ•ผแ—ฉแ‘Žแ—ชแ—ทแ—ฉGS: แ—ทEแ‘•แ—ฉแ‘ŒSE แ’ชIแ–ดE'S แ—ฉแ‘Ž แ—ฉแ—ชแฏEแ‘ŽTแ‘Œแ–‡E, แ—ฉแ‘Žแ—ช YOแ‘Œ แ‘ŽEEแ—ช แ—ฉ SIแ—ชEKIแ‘•K! แ‘Œแ‘Žแ’ชEแ—ฉSแ•ผ YOแ‘Œแ–‡... 

All Outerwear

All Outerwear

แ’ชแ—ฉYEแ–‡ แ‘Œแ‘ญ Iแ‘Ž STYแ’ชE! 

Curvy Girl Collection

Curvy Girl Collection

Oแ‘Œแ–‡ แ‘•แ‘Œแ–‡แฏY GIแ–‡แ’ช แ–ดITS แ—ฉแ–‡E แ•ผEแ–‡E TO แ‘•Eแ’ชEแ—ทแ–‡แ—ฉTE EแฏEแ–‡Y Tแ—ฏIST, Tแ‘Œแ–‡แ‘Ž, แ—ฉแ‘Žแ—ช... 

Drink Shimmers

Drink Shimmers

100% Eแ—ชIแ—ทแ’ชE แ—ชแ–‡Iแ‘ŽK Sแ•ผIแ—ฐแ—ฐEแ–‡แ—ฉแ—ชแ—ช แ—ฉ แ—ชแ—ฉSแ•ผ Oแ–ด Oแ‘Œแ–‡ Sแ•ผIแ—ฐแ—ฐEแ–‡ TO YOแ‘Œแ–‡ แ–ดแ—ฉแฏOแ–‡ITE... 



แ—ฏแ•ผEแ–‡E STYแ’ชE แ—ฐEETSย Sแ—ฉแฏIแ‘ŽGS!-Sแ‘Žแ—ฉG YOแ‘Œแ–‡ แ–ดแ—ฉแฏOแ–‡ITES แ—ทEแ–ดOแ–‡E Tแ•ผEY'แ–‡E GOแ‘ŽE! 

  • October 5th at 2:4pm

    This boutique has such high quality items! The items are trendy and fun, with a mix of timeless and neutral. They have a good range of sizes in several items as well as tons of good accessories. The store front is clean and beautifully decorated. Highly recommend stopping by in person if you can. However, when you order online the packaging is 10/10 and shipping is really fast.
    - Taylor G.

  • May 12 2022 at 5:44pm

    "I absolutely love my items! The pants are so soft and the bracelet is perfect for me! The girls were so sweet in dropping off my items. Quick and speedy response from the time I ordered to the time I received my merch! Will shop again"
    - Jessica Lynn L.

  • April 19th 2022 at 4:39pm

    "I bought the skull jacket and the ew people beanie and let me tell you, the quality is amazing! The shipping was prompt, the cards were personalized and the items are TO DIE FOR. Love everything about this boutique. Supporting local and cute clothes?? Sign me up!"
    - Christa D.

  • February 16 2022 at 9:39am

    "Cute products. Reasonable prices. Owners are great!!"
    - Katherine B.